Making a House a Home, and a Bed an Office...

Those of who who follow me on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook will have seen that earlier this week I posted some photo's of my Bed Office.
Ideally when writing, editing, etc etc, I would love a real desk to sit at, but unfortunately I live in a shared flat in London, and our room simply couldn't take anymore furniture!
Occasionally I will share the couch with Edd and work while he either goes through his admin, or plays his game shouting all the way. Not very relaxing!

Due to this and us sharing one room, him making the couch area very much his little den, I decided I wanted to make an area my own no matter how girly it may be!
With the couch area firmly dibb-sed, I decided on the comfiest part of the room, the Bed!
Loving my morning writing while drinking tea snuggled up in bed, so it made sense to embellish onto my Bed Office!

We headed out firstly to Homebase, and as it was a bank holiday Monday, it was full of a sea of couples who had all decided spring means a fresh look.
With spring in mind, I hopped back into Interior Designer mode (What I was actually training to be before I started performing), and decided on a mix of grown up green, cream and hints of dusky pink.

So now onto the photos, which for a change of pace, are all shot in candle light as that's how I'm now sitting and writing...ahh relaxing!

These fairy lights seem to have been in my possession forever, I can't remember where or when I acquired them, but they have been sadly neglected tangled up in a tote bag for a long time.
I decided to resurrect them, and picked up some clear plastic self adhesive hooks to attach to the wall easily.
I'm glad I did as these along with some candles makes the perfect winding down lighting at the end of a long day.

Cushions are the first port of call when it comes to sprucing up a bed.
I'd checked out the Homebase Website and made a mental list of all the items I wanted, but sadly I couldn't find everything on my wish list.
The back two green cushions(£4.00/Each), and the front large cream cushion (£9.00) were from homebase, but the fluffy middle cushions(£8.00/Each) were from a separate trip to Wilkinsons as was the green throw (£7.00), just seen at the end of the bed.

The vase (£7.00) was also from Wilkinsons, and looks so lovely!
I wanted a tall vase so I could have my candles and flowers in one spot without worry for open flames catching foliage! This vase is the perfect for even sitting with large candles, the petals and leaves are high up enough to not catch.
The two large candles (green £5, and ivory £1.99) are from Homebase, but the smaller jar candle with wooden heart (£5.00) and the surprisingly nice bunch of flowers (£10.00) are both from Sainsbury's which I only popped into for some old bits.

I just picked up this small heart ring holder (£2.00) from Tiger, which is a newish chain I've seen pop up around London, and seems to be slowly spreading north, so far hitting Birmingham, then missing in between Birmingham till you hit Scotland!
It's making it's way around, and seems like a mix of Ikea and Paperchases quirky and affordable offspring, with a very mixed offering in every store but gaining popularity with interesting and cheap home decor that has many ranges from hipster colours, to pastels, vintage style, and lots and lots of candles!

Now my corner is complete, and I have no excuse to not be super productive when in such a lovely, and comfortable environment!
Do you like my office?!
How do you work best?

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